Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Best Friend, My Uncle- Hisham

Bonjour!!! Its ur friend here, Elizabeth Swann. hOw is my blog? Is it nice? U better say it is. Hahahaha. Anyways, today's post, I wanna tell you all bout my fave Uncle, Hisham. But, of course, we call him Ami Sham. 'Ami' is Uncle in Arabic. Anyways, he's from my father's side and he's the second youngest. He is very close to me, so I consider him my best friend. Its true. I can tell him anything, whatever that is troubling or bugging me. I can even tell him my crushes on boys and he won't tell my parents. Hahaha. Its like we conspired. Everyone in my family said that I look like him and that our attitudes in life and the way we think are like so alike, which is freaky. He also doesn't hesitate when telling me his problem. Whenever there is any doubt or trouble or even opinion, we will always look for each other. Thats how close we are.

He studied in the UK for a while, and then went to Australia, for even further studies, to become an architect. He graduated 2 years ago and returned to Singapore. After a year in Singapore, he decided to migrate to Saudi Arabia, after difficulty finding a job that he likes in Singapore. He is lucky enough to find a job with a architecture firm within months. I'm happy for him. He is not married and still single. Any takers? Hahaha. Just Joking. Anyways, this is a picture of my uncle. This is taken in his office in Saudi Arabia. Ami Sham, this is for you. Thanks for everything. Miss you loads! Aurevoir!


Elizabeth Swann

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