Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Shirbeeni Cuzz

Bonjour Again!!! What's happening? I've been busy updating my blog, entry after entry. Got loads on my mind, thats all. Anyways, here are two videos I took of my younger siblings and my younger cousins. Saffwan came to the house on Friday and played with together with everyone. They had loads of fun. I had fun just videotaping them. They certainly enjoyed the game, even if it was something simple. I definitely enjoyed it. Enjoy. Aurevoir!!!

Elizabeth Swann

My Collection

Bonjour!! Here are some new pictures that I just took of myself. Its nice, ya? Hahahahahaha. Anyways, just wanted to update my blog. Please be generous with comments. PS: Sabby and Janjan is goin to kill me for publishing the video of them. was WORTH it!! Aurevoir!!!!

Hugs And Cuddles,

Elizabeth Swann

My Music Video

Bonjour!! Its me, Elizabeth again. How are you people? Hope ur fine. I took this video early this year. Around March, I think. It was embarassing. I was hesistant to post it at first, but what the hell. A friend of mine, Sahabana, or as we call her, Sabby, told me to just post it. This is another Beyonce wannabe, hahaha. Hope you enjoy!! Laugh all you want!!

Elizabeth Swann

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Me And My Friends

Here are some photos of my friends. Guys, this is for you!Enjoy!!!!!


Elizabeth Swann

Kenduri For Aunty Sah's House

Hello again. My aunt, Aunty Sah, just recently purchased a bungalow and invited us over for kenduri. All my Rahman cousins was there. We enjoyed ourselves and the food is tasty! Yum!

Here is the beautiful 'art pieces' hahaha. Aurevoir!


Elizabeth Swann

National Day

Hello! Elizabeth here. Now its about the birthday of our country, which falls on the 9th of August. NATIONAL DAY. Actually I'm not that patriotic, but I went there to see the sky activities and the fireworks and of course, to go out with my Shirbeeni cousins. We enjoyed the show and the fireworks. We took some great photos. Here are the masterpieces. Enjoy! Aurevoir!


Elizabeth Swann

Big Day Out

Bonjour!! Its me again. Just wanted to fill up on whatever I missed on sharing with you. Me and my friends went to Parkway to eat at the Banquet there. We enjoyed ourselves and took some photos. Here is the fun pics.


Elizabeth Swann

Hey Y'all

Bonjour, its Elizabeth again!!!! How I missed posting on my blog. First, there was a problem with my computer. Then, I had to rent out my house for a year, so we shifted to my grandma's house. Its really sad. One have to stay here and they will know what I mean. Hahaha. So much has happened. Where do I start? Well, for starters, I will pick up where I left off. I celebrated my birthday with my family and with the addition of my mum's new client, Osman. He is a pakistani bloke born and bred in British. Anyways, we had dinner at this fantastic seafood restaurant. Afterwards, we had ice-cream at Swensens. What a feast, huh? I really enjoyed myself. After that, we went home feeling tired but before we tuck ourselves to bed, we cut the birthday cake. I invited my Mercu friends and cooked for them my spaghetti on the next day. I received different varieties of earrings from them, as a birthhday present, which they know Im crazy about. Thanks, you guys. My siblings gave me a dress for my birthday, as you can see it, and my parents bought the latest Harry Potter book. I was ecstatic. There is a picture of me and my folks.Thanks, mum and dad. I really enjoyed my birthday and the presents. Anyways, till again. Aurevoir!


Elizabeth Swann