Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Yeah. End Of Exams. Finally.....

Bonjour!! Its me again, Elizabeth. How are you people? Have not be posting for a while....becoz of the stressful O Levels. But am pretty glad its over. Fewh! What a load off my back. I was so happy that while exiting from Bedok North Secondary School, I was walking alone, giggling and smiling to myself. I was like, "yeah"! while plunging my elbow downwards. I was careful, of coure, to not let anyone see me. Hahaha. What a way! Anyways, been missing my blog and all my friends, but of course, knowing me, I couldn't resist....TAKING PICTURES! Here are alll my latest. Had to show off the new hat I bought. I liked it a lot and decided to pair it up with my favourite clothes. Whenever I showed my friends and cousins my new hat, the first thought that came to their minds were Fendi, the LTD winner. I get what they mean, but it was not like he was the one who came out with the syle. What else do I want to say...? Btw, I found my USB cable. Finally. Itwas hiiden under the carpet. Clumsy me. Haha hehe. Oh yeah, I know its too late, but Selamat Hari Raya Aidlifitri or Eid Mubarak to all Muslims in the world. And not forgettin, HAPPY DEEPAVALI to all my Indian friends and Indian people in the world. Anyways, I didn't have much fun during visiting Hari Raya. Didn't collect enough money as I would have liked to hahaha. But the reason was because of my exam times clashing with the festivities. So, I end up going to relatives house only. I would like to go with my friends. Anyways, I almost forgot one important thing. My HUGE thanks to one of my cousin, Sheiffa, for helping me with my blog. Thanks Sheiffa!! Its really nice. Thank you. Now, I've finally finish what Ihad to say. Dun worry, I will post more posts. Till then, see ya!! Adieu!!

Hugs And Kisses,

Elizabeth Swann

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