Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brain Function Still Working

Hey guys, How you doin? Hope yuor fine. Your girl here is quite tired and bored here. Anyways, not feelin well these past few days. The flu, you know? Anyways, was deployed at Terminal 2 Arrival Hall and feelin bored when I decided to write something down. I always do that when I'm bored. So, I wrote a bit about myself in a long list. These are some of my quirks:

Aisya Mohd Zaki Shirbeeni

19 years old

Single mingle

Arab girl


working as an Airport Guide


with O Level results

waiting for Poly results

crazy at times

hates to be the IC at work

loves the Airport

loves Swensens

loves hanging out with her friends

sometimes loves her job

hates being in crowded places

has high levels of anxiety(sometimes)

hates when pple take advantage of her kindness

likes the pen that she used to write down this list

loves to chit chat

sometimes wonder if life is fair

won't mind making new friends

wants to travel around the world and see new places

loves sushi

likes the Korean lifestyle

loves the Eclairs from the Polar shop

is a massive, massive Chocoholic


loves Lime Coke, Coke Light and Vanilla Coke

Isn't rich but have money to buy stuff

loves and honours her family members

treasure her friendships

prefers The Arabs or Caucasian to the Locals or Asians

afraid of crazy pple


Elizabeth Aisya Swann

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Poem On 2007

Bonjour!! Its me again! Anyway, I created a new poem for what I thought and felt about 2007. It is the original, baby. Tell me what you think. Enjoy!!

My Family:

We are a lovely bunch,
We have each other,
We have loads of fun,
teasing with one another.

It was a special year for my family,
Filled with both happiness and sorrow,
But we overcame it eventually,
And brace ourselves for tomorrows.

My Relatives:

My aunts and uncles are always near,
To lend a helping hand,
Their advices is what you normally hear,
To guide me whenever they can.

And then there are my cousins,
As close to us as can be,
We, together, are more than a dozen,
But fun and laughter is all that you will see

My Friends:

Whenever I am feeling down,
They are there to cheer me up,
They will always stick around,
To keep my fallen spirits up.

I will always cherish them forever,
Never to take them for granted,
We'll hopefully grow old together
This is all that we wanted.

Happy 2007 Everyone!

Elizabeth Aisya Shirbeeni Swann

2007 Favourites

Bonjour!! Its Elizabeth here again! Like I promised, this is my list of favourite things from 2007. They range from my favourite songs, to videos and books. Just wanna share with you all. This is just some of it. I have loads of it but these are some of them. Enjoy!!

5 Fav. Videos

1) Clumsy by Fergie
2) Anything by Justin Timberlake
3) Wake Up Call by Maroon 5
4) Clothes Off by Gym Class Heroes
5) Love Story by Katharine McPhee

5 Fav. Songs

1) Clumsy by Fergie
2) Anything by MCR
3) Anything by Five For Fighting
4) Anything by Justin Timberlake
5) Apologise by Timbaland feat. One Republic

5 Fav. Movies

1) Dead Silence
2) Harry Potter And The Order Of The Pheonix
3) Eragon
4) Lisence To Wed
5) I Am Legend

5 Fav. Books

1) Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
2) Eragon
3) Mr And Mrs. Smith
4) To Kill A Mockingbird
5) Twelfth Night

5 Fav. Technology Gadgets

2) iPhone
3) Latest Laptop
4) TiVo
5) DVD Recorder

5 Fav. Labels I Wore

1) Topshop
2) Dorothy Perkins
3) Forever 21
4) Marks And Spencer
5) Crocs

5 Fav. Foods

1) Black Pepper Pasta from Swensens
2) Black Pepper Steak from Mak's Place
3)French Fries from Swensens
4) Fried Fish Noodles from Banquet Parkway
5) Hor Fun from Di Tanjong Katong

5 Fav. Moments On Television

1) Wentworth Miller for just appearing on television
2) Hady Mirza winnig Asian Idol
3) Seeing 6 Food Bachelors cooking on tv
4) The Click 5 on the finale of LTD
5) All the cool music videos

5 Fav. Television Series( America)

1) Prison Break
2) Heroes
3) The Ellen Degeneres Show
4) Tonight Show With Jay Leno
5) All CSIs Franchise

5 Fav. Korean Tv Series

1) Princess Hours (even if they came out in 2006, I still LOVE them)
2) Coffee Prince
3) Be Strong, Geum Soon
4) Come Back, Soon Ae
5) Something which I forget the title

5 Fav. Lang Heard

1) French
2) Spanish
3) Korean
4) Some African tribes
5) Italian

Elizabeth Aisya Shirbeeni Swann

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Fashion Magazines-Here Is For You

Bonjour!!! Its me, Elizabeth Swann, here again. Well, yesterday, as said, Saffwan, Sheiffa and Abidah came over to our house. We were all extra excited yesterday coz Abidah could come along as she could not make it the other time. But we all had fun. The first game we played was Amazing Race, hosted by Saffwan 'Phil' Keoghan and Alia. Well, it got down to the final three, which was me, Sheiffa and Anis. Even though the space was limited, we had lots of fun. We used the indoors as well as the outdoors, the upstairs floor as well as the downstairs floor. Anyways, the winner was ...ME! Surprise, surprise. Actually, during the final game, when I could not find the clue, I almost gave up coz it was so hard to find the clue. Anyways, happy that I won. Next, we played 'Shirbeeni Idol'. Everyone sang two songs each except for me, as I sang one song coz I joined in the last minute as I was watching my Chinese and Korean show. Anywyas, everyone joined, even Alia. We all voted more than 5 times and of coz not for ourselves. In the end, we played one round first and decided unanimously that Saffwan was to win the first round, judging by the vote. What we saw red for Saffwan winning the idol was that all of Alia's vote was for Saffwan. Hahahaha. Funny, right? But of coz Saffwan deserved to win. He was the most enthusiastic. The rest were a bit shy and all but dun worry, there was to be round two.

As I was surprisingly shy, I suggested a different type of game. I wanted to play 'PROJECT RUNWAY'. I liked the game as we have played it before at Saffwan's house when we stayed over. They all agreed. The game was that they are given a number of different colours and type of cloth to drape themselves with and by creating an original, creative and wearable outfit. Of coz, I took photos to post on my blog. Saffwan was the judge. He commented on our 'creative' creations and all of us got to decide who had the most creative design and fashion sense and looked cool. We all had our clothes as a base, but they cloth must really co-ordinate well with our basic attire. The only difference that I did with this game of 'PROJECT RUNWAY' is that I added my own personal assesories to add the 'wow' factor and 'bling' up the whole look. Not only that, they had to do a catwalk first before presenting themselves to the judge for evaluation. Believe me, these were all everyone's own idea and they had five minutes in the room alone to come up with their own designs. This is really their own ideas! Icannot stress how much that is! And judging from yesterday, they all did well. But, of coz, someone has to win. And the winner was......surprise, surprise, ANIS!! Hahahahaha. Many of you would laugh, but we all voted among ourselves and we agreed that his design was the most beautifully-coordinated, it made sense and it was simple. So, like my post heading said, Fashion Magazines Over The World, if you want to look for BUDDING DESIGNERS OR EVEN MODELS, this is the blog/post to look out for. We really have talent here. Haha. I could not fit mine inside this post as they allow maximum 5 photos. Anyways, enjoy the pictures. Let's see who is your favourite.

Hugs and Kisses,

Elizabeth 'Aisya' Swann Zaki Shirbeeni

Part-Time Talent Scout

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yesterday- What A Day

Bonjour!! How are you people? Anyways, yesterday we all went to Saffwan's house to play with them and Abidah and Ameerah. We filmed a movie, played the traditional Shirbeeni sport, Rugby. Then, later, we all just sat together and talked. Soon after, Ami Zaid and his whole family came. It was fun and noisy, with all the small kids. But, we can't really blame them, right? Kids are kids.

Then, at night, we all went to Swensens to eat the ice-cream. Another day of fun. I certainly enjoyed myself.

Hugs and Kisses,
Elizabeth Swann

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday-Rugby Day

Bonjour, its me!! Anyways, after a tiring day yesterday, we went to send Ami Zaid to the airport in the morning at around 9.30 in the morning. After that, we planned to go Saffwan's house as Aunty Sham is goin to Batam the whole day. But, after asking our father, he asked Saffwan and the gang to come to the house. After a few phone calls, Saffwan could come to the house so we went to fetch them. Then, after arriving at the house, we decided to make a mini movie starring ourselves. We came up with the concept of doing a gangster-comedy style of movie. It was hillarious!! We really thought what would be funny and infused it into our movie. After filming, we were quite happy with the results. Our movie was quite well-received, I must say. Hahahaha. We were all natural born actors. Hahahaha. Anyways, we had a blast.

After that, Saffwan decided to play a game of Olympics. It was funny at first, but we all kind of go along with the flow. It was fun, but very tiring and painful. After a while, we decided to switch to our favourite game, which is rugby. This time, we played like we were really in a tournament. We had five different tournaments, and surprisingly, my team won all five tournaments. We also won some 'money'. My group comprises of Me, Sheiffa, Suffyan and Alia versus the boys. It was fun but also very, very painful. I was also not feeling well and was covered in bruises. Our bodies were blue-black all over. Then, at night, after being so tired, we had no energy left so we played a simple game of charades. After a while, they all went home. We had a fun time. Anyways, group picture of the CHAMPIONS!!

Elizabeth Swann