Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Sayang (Boy)

This is Lionel. He's my sweetheart. He is also another teacher's sweetheart. Why? He can steal people's hearts just by his antics. The way he talks, the way he just grabs you and hugs you. And how he is the only toddler who can remember a new teacher's name. When I just came, he acted like a normal kid. But day by day, after looking after him, he is so attached to me. He calls me Teacher Aisya clearly. If he knows anything new, he will call me and say, for example, 'Teacher Aisya, see. Rain'. He is super cute. Whatever I say, he will follow. He's like my assistant teacher. When I scold the other children, with my pointed hand, he will follow exactly. He also never gives me trouble. He can listen. He also never fails to sit on my lap whenever they watch cartoon. He is also smart. He kicks up no fuss. Whenever I took my bag to go home, he will look at me and starts to cry. When I tell him that I want to go home, he say cannot. He will sit with me and not let me go. So cute. I like him very much.

My Sayang (Girl)

This is a picture I took with my sayang. Her name is Vionna. But I call her Nana. She is one-year plus. She comes to the child care that I work in. I used to take care of her before the stupid MOJOJOJO had to put me in playgroup. Anyways, on a happier note, during the first three days, she clung on to her mother. Don't want her mother to go away. After that, when her mother eventually leave her and left, she clung on to me. She follows me wherever I go. She wouldn't even let the other teachers carry her. She is so cute. When other kids call me teacher, she calls me 'jie-jie'(which means big sister). Whenever the other teachers carry her, she would reach out and point to me, saying 'I want 'there-there', which is her slang for 'jie-jie'. Of course she said it cutely, almost like baby language. I'm very close to her. She would do her silly dance and jumps around whenever she sees me coming. She is a smart girl and is so very tiny. She is a nice girl. She doesn't cry and give the other teachers any trouble. If she spots me from far, she will call out to me. Everytime I see her, I would smile to myself. I like her very much. Such a sweet thing.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Aisya's Wonderful 'Good versus Bad' Story

There is once upon a time, where there is a school infested with evil, powerful demons. They act like they run the place but truth is, they don't. There is one demon, who looks like a monkey and has it brains popping up, whom goes by the name of MOJOJOJO. She is as evil as can be. Her greatest power, no brainer. She is very strong in making people lives difficult and torturing their very poor souls. She is a buffoon. A big, fat, ugly ogre that turn out horribly. Maybe she is a monster in a ladie's disguise. She is ugly with or without disguise. Got to give her effort for trying to look like a lady or human being but lets face it, if you're a bloody asshole, you still are no matter how hard you try to hide. Know how she grows stronger every moment? By feeding on peoples suffering. She enjoys it.

Then there is her sidekick, a very thin, sick beanpole-shaped lady who has obviously undeniably lost her marbles. Tuk, Tuk(I'm shaking my head). She goes by the name of Pamela, huh. Like that is even her real name. She may be a monster too, just like her sidekick. Disguised in an old lady's suit. She goes by the nick Joker, just like in the batman cartoon series. She has the tendency to smile and laugh, but oh my god, that is so obviously fake. Her greatest power? No brainer also. She mumbles and talks to herself. Becoz, to her, she is the only one that is talking sense and everyone is full of crap. Guess what? She is full of crap, I'm even afraid to go near her. Her mouth opens and close whenever she pleases. Damn you, piece of fungus. Do us a favour and check yourself in a hospital(a mental one). Everyday, I dedicate the 'F' word to her.How she grows stronger? God forbids. I also don't want to know. Then there is the other joker, Teng. But her real name is Medusa. She is as evil as the other two jokers. She is loud, noisy, ugly, show-off, thinks shes pretty and that she is everyone favourite person. Don't act. We know what you are. Don't pretend to be nice. You can't fool us. Hell, you can't even fool the toddlers. Everytime they see you, they will be crying out loud, as if begging for release and mercy. You evil B****. May you have no friends. Her greatest power? Torturing kids. Her specialty, kids. She grows stronger everytime she hears a child cry. Then, she's satisfied. What an evil bunch, don't you think so?

Luckily, the townspeople elected a bunch of superheroes and their creator to save them from these demons. They were named, The Powerpuff Girls and The Professor.Theres Blossomjess, Bubblesya,Buttercupgayah and Professorlisa.They are made of sweet, spice and everyting that is nice. They had all the nice qualities a heroe should have, except probably their own problems at home. But, moving along, they decided to save the people from the three evil demons. With their superpowers and their intelligence, not forgetting their beautiful presence, set out to the school to confront the monsters. It was a very ugly battle. Lots of goo everywhere. The girls gave the monsters a left and right. They also put the demons where they should be. The Powerpuff girls saved the school of course with additional help from the village-people. Like the cake-shop aunty, Aunty Midah, the School Teacher, Teacher Karen, the music school principal, Principal Dzakiah and the seamstress of the village, Miss Jiang. The fight was over and the three demons were gone forever, wiped out from this face of earth. They were never to be seen again. The village-people cried, along with the kids. Tears of joy. Melts your heart, don't it? The 'heroes' had a huge celebration and feast, with compliments from the cake-shop aunty, Aunty Midah. The Powerpuff girls were glad and proud of themselves. Why? They got rid of the demons once and for all.

The End

Story By,

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lyrics For Our 'Mojojojo'

Mojojojo, Mojojojo
Don't you dare go run away
We will find you wherever you go
The powerpuff girls are here to stay

Teacher Sa, Teacher Ya
Teacher Sya, Teacher Jess
We're the conquerers of Mojojojo
We will fight through till the end

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This World

This world that we live in,
Has its wrongs and rights
Making the world a better place to live in
Don't we have the rights?

This world that we live in
Is run by man consumed with hatred
Do we deserve to fit in
Sadly, we are denied for being coloured

This world that we live in
Is beautiful on the inside and out
But mankind marred the place that we live in
Thats what they are all about

Who We Are

When it was summer, we parted
You go your way and I go mine
We can't say for those who have departed
Especially when the loved ones come to mind

Heartbroken, we felt
Crying out loud was our game
Just to see them, my heart melts
But you carry on in shame

All the commotion we heard
About the one we feared
Hoping that bygones will be bygones
Starting new as a newborn

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Introduction(or not)

Hey guys, Aisya here. Feel free to blog me anytime and have a say! I'll be looking forward 2 meeting you and making friends with you. All are welcome, even those whom I have checked off my lists(ur head is still on the chopping board, you guys. I know. Can't help it.) Anyways, I would like to thank my family and friends 4r all their support and criticism(oh you know who you are and its true). Welcome, me hearties! Arrrrrr.....