Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Sayang (Boy)

This is Lionel. He's my sweetheart. He is also another teacher's sweetheart. Why? He can steal people's hearts just by his antics. The way he talks, the way he just grabs you and hugs you. And how he is the only toddler who can remember a new teacher's name. When I just came, he acted like a normal kid. But day by day, after looking after him, he is so attached to me. He calls me Teacher Aisya clearly. If he knows anything new, he will call me and say, for example, 'Teacher Aisya, see. Rain'. He is super cute. Whatever I say, he will follow. He's like my assistant teacher. When I scold the other children, with my pointed hand, he will follow exactly. He also never gives me trouble. He can listen. He also never fails to sit on my lap whenever they watch cartoon. He is also smart. He kicks up no fuss. Whenever I took my bag to go home, he will look at me and starts to cry. When I tell him that I want to go home, he say cannot. He will sit with me and not let me go. So cute. I like him very much.

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