Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Sayang (Girl)

This is a picture I took with my sayang. Her name is Vionna. But I call her Nana. She is one-year plus. She comes to the child care that I work in. I used to take care of her before the stupid MOJOJOJO had to put me in playgroup. Anyways, on a happier note, during the first three days, she clung on to her mother. Don't want her mother to go away. After that, when her mother eventually leave her and left, she clung on to me. She follows me wherever I go. She wouldn't even let the other teachers carry her. She is so cute. When other kids call me teacher, she calls me 'jie-jie'(which means big sister). Whenever the other teachers carry her, she would reach out and point to me, saying 'I want 'there-there', which is her slang for 'jie-jie'. Of course she said it cutely, almost like baby language. I'm very close to her. She would do her silly dance and jumps around whenever she sees me coming. She is a smart girl and is so very tiny. She is a nice girl. She doesn't cry and give the other teachers any trouble. If she spots me from far, she will call out to me. Everytime I see her, I would smile to myself. I like her very much. Such a sweet thing.

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